
Pisau multi fungsi

Pisau multi fungsi
Grosir : 12.000, - ( minimal 60 pcs )
Reseller : 15.000, - ( minimal 12 pcs )
Eceran : 25.000 , -

Pisau multi fungsi antara lain : Pemotong Kaca, Pemotong Keramik lurus atau bentuk bulat/ lengkung ( cocok.mudah utk hiasan lantai, Pemotong/ gergaji Paralon, alat pengukur ( meteran) , Water Pass ( mengukur/ mengontrol kemiringan lantai / bangunan agar senter) , Kater, Pengasah pisau, pengasah gunting, dan lain-lain. Ukuran Standart Praktis: Â ± 18 cm x 7 cm x 2 cm 20 function 1. Incise the glass 2. Incise the wall ground the brickm ceramic tile. 3. Circle machine. 4. Diamond bit 5. Hook knife 6. Engrafing knife 7. The knife of cutting glass ( plexiglass) 8. Wallpaper knife 9. Can cut to mow the plastics 10. Can make holes in the ceramictile 11. A knife of whetting scissors 12. A saw knife 13. Knife â € “ grinder 14. Leve 15. A tape measure inside box 16. A tools to open bottle 17. Sorewdriver 18. Center positioner 19. Can cut plywood 20. A tools can strike glass broken Size Standart Praktis: Â ± 18 cm x 7 cm x 2 cm
Berat Produk : 200 gram

Alamat usaha: Jl.Kopo Raya 283 Bandung. 40234 Jabar , Indonesia . ( PATOKAN SEBERANG SMA - SMP NUSANTARA )

kontak person bisa menghubungi:
RIKHA 089655100184 , 081931417115
PIN BB : 21162305

BANK : BCA-176-138-3308

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